Logo Design and Feedback
This document shows the process of coming up with name ideas for my website and also the creation of logo prototypes.
See below for a better look..
These are my current logo prototypes, made using Canva. After thinking of names for my website and also looking at the colour schemes of the average newspapers, I decided to go with something different.
'In The Loop'
'Milk Carton'
'In the loop'
'Mid-Century Icon'
All of the information below is included on the 'Website names and logos' pdf above
Feedback and developments
After asking some people in the class for feedback on which logo they liked, I was told that ‘Candyland’ and ‘in the loop’ (pink circle) were the ones voted for the most.
Although these chosen colour-scheme of the logo is different than the common blue and white colour scheme, you see in average newspapers, I think that something different will catch people’s eyes.
After a couple more votes 'Candyland' won the vote...
More feedback:
Smaller fonts for ‘The’ and ‘Journal’
Manchester colours (red, blue for football, or yellow, and black for the bee, and white for a contrasting colour)
Extra white ring to draw in the eye to the title. (After adding the second white ring, I was told to make it slightly thinner, than the black circle, see 3rd photo)
After, experimenting with colour and logos, it was suggested to me that I try the colours of the Manchester bee (black and yellow, with white as a block colour). I have made different variations of this logo and have tried to change it an make it different each time. As well as this, I have also had some feedback on this version of the logo, and now have a couple of concerns for different things.
Overall, I think that version 7 is my favourite of the ones I made. However, after asking for a little bit more feedback on the yellow versions, I have been reminded that this is very similar to the logo of ‘Manchester Evening News’ newspaper/website, and I worry that there could be copyright issues, or people may think I am connected to ‘Manchester Evening News’ in some way. I also think that with this colour scheme, although it is good it relates to Manchester, I think that it could blend in slightly too much.
I understand that my original colour schemes may have been difficult to take seriously as a news website, but at the same time I wanted my website to stand out and be different from the others, and now with the yellow, black and white colour scheme, it is becoming more common with the other Newspaper colour schemes.
Website Design
This is a document that shows how i came up with and developed the layout for my website. it includes feedback and opinions from a audience. it also includes a schedule of when i plan to release my articles.
These are some basic ideas for what content I wanted to have on my website and an initial script for my introduction videos.